In Cats in the Crater: My FANGtastically Evil Vampire Pet, the third in the spin-off series to Mo O'Hara's New York Times bestselling My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish chapter books, an aspiring evil scientist and his mostly evil (and totally forbidden) vampire kitten must face a trap-filled Volcanic Lair at Evil Scientist Summer Camp.
Cats in the Crater: My FANGtastically Evil Vampire Pet
Space Cat-astrophe: My FANGtastically Evil Vampire Pet
My FANGtastically Evil Vampire Pet
Cats in the Crater: My FANGtastically Evil Vampire Pet
My epic summer at Evil Scientist Summer Camp hasn't gone quite like I planned, but THIS week I will DEFINITELY be Evil Emperor of the Camp. I've been stocking up on evil inventions and Fang's been sharpening her claws. We're ready for anything!Okay, so maybe I wasn't really prepared to find out that Geeky Girl's grandmother is actually Madame Mako, inventor of the original volcano lair, and ruler of the most famous evil empire ever . . . but, this is going to be GREAT. Geeky Girl can inherit her grandmother's empire, and I'll come in as Head Partner, and help teach her the best way to be an evil ruler―with an epically evil crown!Let our Epic Evil Empire begin!
Space Cat-astrophe: My FANGtastically Evil Vampire Pet
My epic summer has just gotten even more epic, because Evil Scientist Summer Camp just turned into Evil Scientist Space Camp! AND it will be led by the totally epic evil astronaut Neil Strongarm! Who is looking for evil apprentices for his next space mission! Which means that I could totally go into SPACE!!! I'm already well on my way to Evil Emperor of the Camp. Winning this competition should be easy. Okay, so maybe I didn't expect Geeky Girl to be quite so good at being evil, but I know I've got this. All I need is a plan. Hmmm . . . I wonder if you can take evil kittens on space stations.Let the Epic Evil Spaceness begin.
My FANGtastically Evil Vampire Pet
This summer is going to be epic. Epically evil, that is. ‘Cause I'm going to Evil Scientist Summer Camp!No annoying little brothers. No annoying zombie goldfish. Just me, my best friend Sanj, our notebook of evil plans, and my truly evil (and totally forbidden) vampire kitten Fang. We’ve got it all planned out. Okay, so maybe I didn't expect for the totally not-evil Geeky Girl to show up, or for Sanj to find a new partner to work with, but there's no way I'm going to let them ruin my summer. Evil Emperor of the Camp, here I come!
書本格式:Paperback 平裝版 / 單色印刷
書本尺寸:14.17 x 21.08 cm